The International Society for the Study of Medieval Theology


Founded in 2002, the Society aspires “… to promote the study of medieval theology in research and teaching and to facilitate scholarly exchange within the field. It represents the discipline to academic institutions both public and ecclesiastic, and to authorities and entities responsible for higher education. The Society cooperates with research institutions, other societies and associations engaged in medieval studies. It aspires to promote cooperation among scholars from the discipline of medieval theology itself and from disciplines related to it, such as Church History, History of Exegesis, History of Spirituality, History of Liturgy, History of Canon Law and Sermon Studies, and also with scholars from the wider field of Medieval Studies such as Medieval History, auxiliary studies in History (Geschicht-liche Hilfswissenschaften), History of Philosophy, Art History, Music History, Philology and Literature” (Statutes §1,2). The Society organizes an annual meeting of its members and sponsors other conferences and publications initiated and edited by its members. Membership is open to any scholar in the field. Applications can be made either by letter, email, or online:

The annual dues for regular membership are currently € 50 (including a subscription to Archa Verbi) or € 35 (without subscription). Students and low wage members may apply for a reduced membership fee of € 10 (without subscription to Archa Verbi). Institutional members pay either € 50 (academic institutions) or € 100 (other institutions) and receive a copy of Archa Verbi. The Society has been recognized by German tax authorities as a non-profit organization. Donations and membership fees, therefore, are tax-deductible.

The current Board of the Society consists of Dr. Krijn Pansters (Tilburg) as chairman, Prof. Dr. Ines Weber (Linz) as treasurer, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Treusch (Gießen) as secretary, and Jan Klok (Hoeven) as publication manager.

Further information is available at:

Internationale Gesellschaft für Theologische Mediävistik e. V. – Geschäftsstelle
c/o Prof. Dr. Krijn Pansters
Tilburg School of Catholic Theology
Department of Systematic Theology and Philosophy
Tilburg University
Warandelaan 2
5037 AB Tilburg
Netherlands or

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