Neuer Artikel von Martina Roesner erschienen


La trame biblique et le tissu du monde. La lecture philosophique de l'Écriture chez Maître Eckhart

Erschienen in: Revue des Sciences philosophiques et théologiques 104 (2020), 99-117

This article examines the role that Meister Eckhart's philosophical approach plays in his biblical exegesis. Through an analysis of his Trinitarian theology, his theology of creation, his theory of the intellect, and his philosophy of language, we show that Eckhart interprets the Bible in the light of the "deep grammar" that underlies reality as a whole. While insisting on the importance of the "book of creatures", Eckhart nevertheless highlights the biblical text's perduring indispensability for theology, insofar as it bespeaks the permanent immanence of all things in God, notwithstanding their efflux in the form of creation. Ultimately, all the books of which Eckhart speaks – the Trinity, the created world, and the Scriptures – must be left behind to give way to silence, which alone provides us access to the absolute oneness of the origin.

⇒ Zur Website der Zeitschrift "Revue des Sciences philosophiques et théologiques"