Archa Verbi. Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology 9 (2012)


Thomas Prügl (Schriftleitung)

Aschendorff Verlag, Münster 2013

Archa Verbi. Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology 9 (2012)


  • Peter Gemeinhardt, The Trinitarian Theology of Joachim of Fiore.
  • John Hall, School Allegiance in the Later Twelfth Century? The Cases of Simon of Tournai, Peter of Poitiers, and Magister Martinus.
  • Romolo Cegna, Ecclesia Primitiva: Dall'Opus arduum valde a Nicolaus de Drazna (de Rosa Nigra).
  • Alberto Cadili, Ecclesia moderna und ecclesia primitiva in den Predigten des Jan Želivský (Prag 1419).
  • Thomas Prügl, Urkirche und frühchristliche Praxis als Legitimationsstrategie im Basler Konziliarismus.
  • Farkas Gábor Kiss, »O Pragensis achademia!« Ms. Prague, Metropolitan Chapter 832 and its relevance in the efforts of church unification between Hungary, Paris, and Prague in 1518. 
  • Rezensionen.

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