Charles M. A. Caspers: Geert Grote und sein Ruf als Malleus haereticorum


For Geert Grote (1340–1384), the initiator of the Modern Devotion, the validity of the admi­nistrated sacraments and of the monastic vows depended on the sincerity and inner dignity of those involved. However, the ecclesiastical authorities disapproved of his appeal that belie­vers should boycott the liturgy of priests who had broken their vow of celibacy, and members of the Dominican order challenged his view that lay people could live in accordance with the monastic vows. Nevertheless, important members of the higher clergy, most notably Pierre d’Ailly and Jean Gerson, supported this view. Primarily because of the support of both celeb­rities during the Council of Konstanz the Modern Devotion was judged as a religious reform movement rather than as yet another heterodox faction.


Keywords: Modern Devotion – Communion – monastic vows – Geert Grote – Pierre d’Ailly – Jean Gerson