Die Verhandlungen des Basler Konzils mit den Böhmen und die Prager Kompaktaten als Friedensvertrag


Artikel von Thomas Prügl

erschienen 2019 im: Annuarium historiae Conciliorum 48 (2016/2017), 249-308. Internationale Zeitschrift für Konziliengeschichtsforschung

Artikel von Thomas Prügl - Kurzbeschreibung / Exzerpt
This article retraces the most important steps and negotiations between the Council of Basel and Hussite Bohemia, resulting in the peace treaty (Compactata) of Jihlava.on July 5, 1436. Besides examining the literary form of the Compactata, the study pays special attention to the expert opinions of Thomas Ebendorfer and Heinrich Kalteisen, composed and delivered in late August of 1433, in which the two theologians argued fiercely against any concessions to the Hussites regarding the communion under both species. The expertise of Kalteisen (avisamentum), preserved in a single manuscript in his personal dossier on Hussite material, is edited as an appendix.

erschienen im: Annuarium historiae Conciliorum 48 (2016/2017), 249-308. Internationale Zeitschrift für Konziliengeschichtsforschung

Chefredakteur: Prof. Dr. Johannes Grohe and Thomas Prügl
Founded in 1969 by Walter Brandmüller and Remigius Bäumer, the journal "Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum" has been published by Ferdinand Schöningh ever since 1971. Since its establishment more than forty years ago, the journal has become the most significant international forum for publications in the field of Council history. "Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum" targets (church) historians, theologians (esp. historians of theology), libraries as well as university institutes.

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